August 26, 2004

Mustafa and Mohamad in the desert

Entry at the end of a rather rough year, I must say. Had the unfortunate privilege of dealing with a Bellushi (Southern Iran) student, made very angry from a rookie Lead teacher coming out of California. I had to defend myself against the swinging fists of a young feller that this new lead teacher had spent the past half hour screaming at. Yes, he may well have been an interim director of the anthrax language institute (or some such name)in San Fran. But, my goodness, this ain’t San Fran is it. And yes, he may well have had three months previous experience in the Sharjah school away back in the nineties when a failed contractor, SuSPECT had this contract. But my goodness, SuSPECT is long since dead round these here parts – man. Methods used then don’t belong here now, IMO. Dare I say it? Suspect's was a VERY American method – domineering, in your face, US Marine style - my way or the f’ing highway managment. Here’s a guy that I will never ever give a chance to in the future. I will curse in his face and tell him straight that I don't work with cowards if and when he offers me his hand in greeting.

Here’s a guy that is a classic coward. He does not face his own bungling and puts his mistake on his subordinate's shoulders, me, forcing the project director, his ‘good friend’, as I understand it, to initiate my transfer to another school. Oh well. We’ll see who’s left standing after this year. Maybe he’ll win but I don’t think so. Maybe he’ll lose. Big time. For example, further bungling, and being extremely stubborn, he spearheaded the transfer of the student mentioned above to the school that the student and I both have now spent the rest of our year (successfully) at!

Another measly gratifactory power grubber by a middle man with no feet to ground. In any case if I ever run into him again, he will see my answer. He who laughs last laughs best. Transfer me to another school for HIS mistake? I can teach anywhere. I did and I will I have proven it already.

I am a professional teacher and I teach. He on the other hand is a scared little bleeb. A coward who spoils things for other people. A coward who listens to the "all-in-a-days-work-for-these-guys" lies of certain Amerimuslim teachers, hiding here in UAE, US passports in hand, who have their own agenda and in fear, the coward complies.

Incompetent management of resources due to inexperience is sometimes forgivable. Incompetence due to cowardly character is not and should be rooted out quickly. Especially over here. Yes, it gets personal. HIS is coming, to be sure. HIS is coming.

There is an old Arab proverb that goes something like this (my paraphrase). Two Bedou brothers, Mustafa and Mohamad, met in the desert - one on safari through to Yandu, KoSA and one temporarily settled in a desert camp near Abu Dhabi, family and goats surrounding. They were having chai and over chai Mustafa and Mohamad discussed the events of the weeks preceding, in which they had not seen each other. The conversation came around to a certain man that had cheated the brother on safari around twenty years ago.

“Remember that man that cheated me so many years ago, Mustafa?”, the travelling Mohamad asked. “I do, I do” laughed Mustafa, relishing even the mention of deceit, being Arab, though it was indeed his own brother who had been deceived! “Well, my chance came to get him back yesterday. And I got him good! I got him good”

Mohamed was somewhat shocked but not at his brother's revenge-induced joy, rather that his brother could only wait twenty years to payback the guy: “REALLY?!” “But why so soon, my brother? Why ever so soon?” Ah yes, if an Arab can wait twenty years and more…. Talk about holding a grudge though eh? Later.

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