August 26, 2004

selective condemnation

Today I re-read yesterday’s Gulf News and was struck again by the irony of the quoted Iraqi’s out cry against the Americans portrayal of “abuse” of Iraqi prisoners of war as normal war prison operations. Another gulf news edition of a few days previous told another story of five Expat civilians, Americans among them – not soldiers, civilians – being brutally murdered by crazed Fallujah-area followers of young maniac Shiite Mulla, Moktada al-Sadr.

After they murdered their victims they burned the bodies and kicked them apart, then hung the burned body parts off the main downtown bridge in Falluja. I find it very interesting that the gulf news, an Arab-centric publication has one of the few objective accounts of what happened in Fallujah. The Gulf news also published the picture of a female American soldier pointing at a blindfolded Iraqi POW’s really small penis and grinning.

Here’s the irony: George W. Bush straight away condemns the action of his own soldier but condemns nothing about what has happened to his citizens over the past few weeks in Iraq. Did the female soldier shoot her Iraqi POW in the arm and let the wound rot like the two young Iraqi Fallujah-area fanatics did with their American hostage Mr. Thomis Hamill? No, she simply laughed at the infinitesimal size of an Iraqi’s penis. Mr. Hamill’s retribution for his captors brutality was to advise American soldiers of the location of his crazed Muslim Fanatic captors whereupon the American Army arrested them. I didn’t see any reports of Mr. Hamill pointing at the now captured captors tiny penises and laughing….

As for the irony surrounding Bushes selective condemnation, perhaps various mediums are quoting only those things that would bring his government’s popularity rating down as another election approaches. That’s my view. As for the Americans occupying Iraq, I consider this argument to be relatively baseless. My wife does not. Oil pillaging and George W Bush’s regime change, for her, go hand in hand.

So why do I take the opposite view? I guess I feel much more comfortable admiring the courage of a man who actually decides to go against Iraq in the complicated war against terror, and takes out a paranoid schizophrenic dictator who would kill not only his own family members in the blink of an eye to hold on to his seat, but also Americans out of general hatred (One having experienced the Middle East in all it’s “kizb” glory might say this typifies the general Arab mentality, in lesser degrees, of course.).

I’d much rather admire Bush’s courage, no matter how baseless, than wait for a wet dishrag President like William Clinton or God-forbid a John Kerry-type, to get a Middle East policy even organized and paid for in Berlin, er I mean Washington. Then again, who listens to expat. Canadian advice these days?

And today I read in the Gulf News about the five Americans, Managers of an oil company over in Saudi, that were murdered by four crazy Muslim f’kers with machine guns who came into the company building and shot them. I am in the midst of applying for a position in Saudi Arabia. This makes me think twice, since, though I’m definitely NOT American, my skin is the same color as those who were killed today in the country that borders this peaceful one where we’re at.

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