August 26, 2004

writing for Mr. kaha's sixth-grade son

How I spent my Monday.... Got to work 7:15 am. Signed in and stood century by the gate as was my scheduled duty to do. Students filtered gradually in and then Hadani the headmaster drove in his bateaux de grande - Chevrolet Caprise. I waved/he waved. He proceeded to park and the Limpy local teaboy went off to get Hadani his mornin tea. I greeted stragglers that came in after the mandetory arrival time of 745. They caught hell from the emerging Hadani. I caught hell from the emerging Hadani: "Mr. Byro, if the students come in late don't even let them in. Ok Mr. HAdani. Ok Mr. Hadani. In the mean time, had not whitey (me) been there to see, boys'd be wandering in til eight o clock without due reason to worry! "Ok Mr. Hadani, never happen again, I promise, Mr. Hadani." Trudged back to the English office, prepared a rudimentary English review for month test lesson plan for my only class this day. Bell rang. I went and taught my class at 8:25 to 9:45. I came back to the office and the rest of the guys were either preparing for their next lessons or already out there teaching. So I hauled my Gulf News out and began to read. For an hour and a half I read. Then Marold, my lead told me of his plight. The assistant head master had recruited him last week sometime to whip up a report on Dubai fish and fishing for his six grade son, who knows little English. Marold asked if I would mind just putting it together - he already had all the info off the web, etc. So I said sure. And so I spent the rest of my day writing a report for Mr. Kaha's six grade son, about fish and fishing in Dubai. I must admit I enjoyed it a bit too much. Thinking like a boy of 11 would and writing it. Marlod came in about 12:45 at which time I had just finished his report. "Byro this good." Said Marold. I mean this is good - almost too good. We laughed at the maleability of a gov secondary school system that allows its headmasters to allow their teachers the flexibility to create and explore areas of research as yet untapped - as in what methodolodies would a six grader employ in writing this report, really, if he were actually the one writing it?

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