September 27, 2005


Wisps of grey at the temples are revealed on a particular day in a particularly hectic week. The man has no time at middle-some age to comb in the usual morning ritual of kept up youth. He rushes and consequently stumbles up and onto a higher plane of perception; a higher plane of wisdom, apparent by the sudden, less than subtle, appearance of wisps of grey at the temples.

LOOK! He’s forty five to forty nine, not thirty five to thirty nine! Zounds! The combed in ritual of kept up youth, breifly neglected this day, indicates "forthe-wisp", apparent wisdom to any and all who care to notice. The delta's in the daily dog-gone details. Durst we burst the grey-framed bubble?

So it is that the grey wisps add rather than subtract from the over all projection. Why NOT be perceived as apparently wise? Why not add to the apparent notion?

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