July 23, 2006
Effortless. That’s how the transition should appear. Effortless, as in all one motion: the transformation of one to the next.
So what is then exactly I am touching the tip of here? Transitions are the target I suppose. How to make transitions smoothly, with dignity and grace. How to find the elusive combination of that which fulfills the needs accrued by simply living a life – a full life and of assuring a decent level of comfort in terms of earning power.
Here we go again, another piece on working for a living. How boring! Shouldn’t you better be writing about dreams and aspirations as you consider your actual time left on this planet?! Of course, it is true, I should be doing just that with glee. But instead I spend each day wondering about working for a living. Why? Because it deems itself so gosh darn necessary that to pass it by for a whim of I’m gonna throw away the planning, scheduling, waiting for the next interview in favour of a day of doing what I wanna…. Even ane hour of what I wanna, though seems now to be so difficult to manage. ‘Sides, if I do, the guilt of having been so selfish kicks me in the butt and I can’t even enjoy the hour taken! That, or duty calls within minutes reminding me of just how my wasted minutes of selfishness has just cost the dependants on me a fortune they don’t have and never did!
Sooooo. Here, now, with time to write is a bit of an odd and ‘adventuristic’ notion. An indulgence probably soon to be cut short anyways. But then what better to do with your indulgence than to delve and create within the minutes before the guilt consumes again.
Speaking then of the Huzb’Allah leader (That Huzbumuck/shmuck black towel too tight) known to most as Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, can you imagine a more strikingly pristine example of what it means to be a good Shiite these days? I mean for all your stocked kytushkas, (in the tourists-of-the-world-next-best-dest. when other dests. Are full up Southern “Les Banal”, n’ all), you go and offer yourself up. First as THE post Jamal Abul Nasser, post Saddam (Soddom), Arab nation unifier/hero, in regards bringing the final solution to the Palestinian problem and second, as macho-macho-macho, Jew-annihilator (supreme commander of the type), with added new-Arab-world flair.
Without regard to clock or consequence you begin with the Mullah’s (your own) blessing “from Allah” and the sincere belief that Huzbumuck with all its IRCG supplied kytushtas, and direct IRCG help to launch those too-fancy-for-an-ablutioned-terromullah’s hand, the C-802’s. You shout the fifty million dollar Syria/Iran shout of yet another fanatical Muslim Cleric with a big missile shaped penis that needs a deft cutting-off. Rocket t’ ya chest macho-macho-macho man. How many nation uniting heros does Arabia need? The only reason, habibe, that Arabia is ripe for hero worship is the autocratic, fanatic nature of the control mechanisim posing as peaceful religion Islam, that binds it, he says practo-philosophically.
Clever guy? Yeah. He a clever guy, awright. Clever guys lust for power and heroism too ya know. He’s also the leader of a movement called HuzBallah. The one that Israel will annihilate now, in the next few minutes – from a historical perspective. Israel knows how to defend its territory, of course. I am disgusted with BBC coverage and the UN and France, all of ‘em. Disproportionate response?! Descendants of the Ostrich!!! Nasrallah declared war on Israel. Now Israel must root out and destroy this element that never ceases to amaze with its audacity.
Israel withdrew from Gaza. And like Jason in Friday the thirteenth, the monster comes to life and strikes like a coward again from the rear. You give them the Gaza and they try to annihilate you! Sayed Hassan Nassrah will die a hero to a few people, yes. He will die. But before he dies, he will be captured by the ever efficient, ever present, Mossad, and have his big, missile-shaped penis cut off. No don’t worry, he won’t be soddomised after that by buff, young, muscular Israeli soldiers. Why not? Well, simply because he would take that sort of thing as a compliment and probably would enjoy it very much. The idea here is to torture and humiliate the leader of a terrorist org. Remember Al Quaidi’s hero Abu Musab Al Sarquawi and how he died? Far too quickly in my opin onion.
None the less, it’s quite a way to go to have a Missouri farm girl/marine’s boot to head while you struggle to get up from the ambulance stretcher, internal organs done in by surgical strike missile centerpiece instead of your regular byriani, eh? It is an interesting twist on the American hospitality that you and yours use and abuse all the time, eh? Woohoo!, and all that militia-style BS, eh? Abu Em got the shit kicked out of his guts by a girl soldier, til he died, ha ha. Where’s your CIA training, (gone wildly wrong), now, eh, JACKAL of Jordan? And so on.
Yup, in the same vein, Sayed ought to be sent back to his huzbumuck beloved “stronghold” naked, bleeding, penisless, in severe pain, with said appendage hung from his neck, below, a sign reading: “I am Sayed Hassan Nassrallah Arab hero and leader of huzbumuck. My penis is shaped like a big missile and I wish I never had heard the word Katyushka. Allah, prepare us all to die under the hand of the Yahudi that we continue to anger without provocation.” You useless piece of Irani/Surria puppet Shiite. Then, with a piece of rope strung around his ankle dragged back, beaten by olive tree saplings til he dies. his place is already marked out beside his brother Abu Musab. It’s a matter of time til the Israeli defenders of their nation against this outrageously foolish move by macho-missile-penis, root out and destroy the havoc-wreaking idiot and his fanatical black turbine wearing bum-buddy clerics. Who’s next please?
So what is then exactly I am touching the tip of here? Transitions are the target I suppose. How to make transitions smoothly, with dignity and grace. How to find the elusive combination of that which fulfills the needs accrued by simply living a life – a full life and of assuring a decent level of comfort in terms of earning power.
Here we go again, another piece on working for a living. How boring! Shouldn’t you better be writing about dreams and aspirations as you consider your actual time left on this planet?! Of course, it is true, I should be doing just that with glee. But instead I spend each day wondering about working for a living. Why? Because it deems itself so gosh darn necessary that to pass it by for a whim of I’m gonna throw away the planning, scheduling, waiting for the next interview in favour of a day of doing what I wanna…. Even ane hour of what I wanna, though seems now to be so difficult to manage. ‘Sides, if I do, the guilt of having been so selfish kicks me in the butt and I can’t even enjoy the hour taken! That, or duty calls within minutes reminding me of just how my wasted minutes of selfishness has just cost the dependants on me a fortune they don’t have and never did!
Sooooo. Here, now, with time to write is a bit of an odd and ‘adventuristic’ notion. An indulgence probably soon to be cut short anyways. But then what better to do with your indulgence than to delve and create within the minutes before the guilt consumes again.
Speaking then of the Huzb’Allah leader (That Huzbumuck/shmuck black towel too tight) known to most as Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, can you imagine a more strikingly pristine example of what it means to be a good Shiite these days? I mean for all your stocked kytushkas, (in the tourists-of-the-world-next-best-dest. when other dests. Are full up Southern “Les Banal”, n’ all), you go and offer yourself up. First as THE post Jamal Abul Nasser, post Saddam (Soddom), Arab nation unifier/hero, in regards bringing the final solution to the Palestinian problem and second, as macho-macho-macho, Jew-annihilator (supreme commander of the type), with added new-Arab-world flair.
Without regard to clock or consequence you begin with the Mullah’s (your own) blessing “from Allah” and the sincere belief that Huzbumuck with all its IRCG supplied kytushtas, and direct IRCG help to launch those too-fancy-for-an-ablutioned-terromullah’s hand, the C-802’s. You shout the fifty million dollar Syria/Iran shout of yet another fanatical Muslim Cleric with a big missile shaped penis that needs a deft cutting-off. Rocket t’ ya chest macho-macho-macho man. How many nation uniting heros does Arabia need? The only reason, habibe, that Arabia is ripe for hero worship is the autocratic, fanatic nature of the control mechanisim posing as peaceful religion Islam, that binds it, he says practo-philosophically.
Clever guy? Yeah. He a clever guy, awright. Clever guys lust for power and heroism too ya know. He’s also the leader of a movement called HuzBallah. The one that Israel will annihilate now, in the next few minutes – from a historical perspective. Israel knows how to defend its territory, of course. I am disgusted with BBC coverage and the UN and France, all of ‘em. Disproportionate response?! Descendants of the Ostrich!!! Nasrallah declared war on Israel. Now Israel must root out and destroy this element that never ceases to amaze with its audacity.
Israel withdrew from Gaza. And like Jason in Friday the thirteenth, the monster comes to life and strikes like a coward again from the rear. You give them the Gaza and they try to annihilate you! Sayed Hassan Nassrah will die a hero to a few people, yes. He will die. But before he dies, he will be captured by the ever efficient, ever present, Mossad, and have his big, missile-shaped penis cut off. No don’t worry, he won’t be soddomised after that by buff, young, muscular Israeli soldiers. Why not? Well, simply because he would take that sort of thing as a compliment and probably would enjoy it very much. The idea here is to torture and humiliate the leader of a terrorist org. Remember Al Quaidi’s hero Abu Musab Al Sarquawi and how he died? Far too quickly in my opin onion.
None the less, it’s quite a way to go to have a Missouri farm girl/marine’s boot to head while you struggle to get up from the ambulance stretcher, internal organs done in by surgical strike missile centerpiece instead of your regular byriani, eh? It is an interesting twist on the American hospitality that you and yours use and abuse all the time, eh? Woohoo!, and all that militia-style BS, eh? Abu Em got the shit kicked out of his guts by a girl soldier, til he died, ha ha. Where’s your CIA training, (gone wildly wrong), now, eh, JACKAL of Jordan? And so on.
Yup, in the same vein, Sayed ought to be sent back to his huzbumuck beloved “stronghold” naked, bleeding, penisless, in severe pain, with said appendage hung from his neck, below, a sign reading: “I am Sayed Hassan Nassrallah Arab hero and leader of huzbumuck. My penis is shaped like a big missile and I wish I never had heard the word Katyushka. Allah, prepare us all to die under the hand of the Yahudi that we continue to anger without provocation.” You useless piece of Irani/Surria puppet Shiite. Then, with a piece of rope strung around his ankle dragged back, beaten by olive tree saplings til he dies. his place is already marked out beside his brother Abu Musab. It’s a matter of time til the Israeli defenders of their nation against this outrageously foolish move by macho-missile-penis, root out and destroy the havoc-wreaking idiot and his fanatical black turbine wearing bum-buddy clerics. Who’s next please?