July 26, 2006

WW3? Really? From the acts of one militant crazy man? I find it hard to accept that Nasrallah will be the guy responsible for pulling us all down into the mire of the thing that ends our existence as a human race.
Sure he has a lot of charisma but have you seen his teeth up close? I mean completely yellow and black – like no one at any of his previous American institutions of learning took the time to explain to him the use of tooth brush.
Then there’s the question of his suitability as an authentic representative of Arab nationalism. He’s a Syrian. Syrian born people that I know are pretty nice as Arabs go. This guy though – look at him. Those glasses gotta go. He likes his turban tight (just like his young mullahs in waiting, we ask pointedly?) And the tightness of his turban, Homer-Simpsonizes his head, add a puffed out, black Mutawa, of course.
220 marines killed in Beruit by a suicide bomber from his Hezbollah gang in 1983. What an apprenticeship for the young Nasrallah.
Anyways, it’s a shame to think that this is the guy that will plunge us into WW3. What a way for us, as a race, to go, eh? Maybe he thinks he is himself the twelfth Imam – whatever the hell that means anyway. I just heard that one, today.
What do our dear friends in Persia see in this guy anyways? Dinkamabamabad even when I’m good ah’m a bad bad man…. He is a’building capacity and capability nuclear and otherwise, fer sure, man. The question is, what is HE planning against the great Satan, while his puppet rails agin the Yahudi, to blind us all to his strategic manoeuvrings, we have to wonder.
And poor, security-ensconced, Harari’s boy looks on, Powerless. Hezbollah, the cause of his fledgling government’s country devastation now through the facilitation of the same crazy gang’s man at the helm, Nasrallah that probably commissioned or at least knows about the commissioning of the offing of his dad two years back, poor soul. Did you see him, standing next to: fill in the: “his counterpart in country X” media slot? He’s whipped, completely. No way for him even with such a good Arab upbringing, to hide his vulnerable, beleaguered self on the TV.
Yet the nuns of Lebanon bring their calm, presiding hope to the parceled, piecemeal land, turn their charity now to these forced, stranger/neighbours in their midst; the wondering and wandering Hijabed women and children who finally took the HINT from all the little leaflets dropped and the loudspeaker warnings: “We will attack the Hezbollah strongholds in your village in a few hours. We advise you to evacuate. This is the Israeli army and yes, we are for real.” They got the hint alright, and got out in time. You might be tempted to muse that this sort of thing is exactly what it takes, I guess, for some stubborn people to finally make nice and get acquainted with the folks next door. And surprise surprise, even though they be “abhorred and to be regarded with suspicion”, Christians, these folks actually turn out to be really darn nice, eh! “Overwhelmed by the kindess shown….”, say the Hijabed Muslim women, household of little ones in tow, going there for shelter from the shelling of the “evil Yahoodi”.
Well pour warm milk and honey all over my gosh darned soul and roll me through white clouds of real and proper righteous living borne out of a natural personal response to the love shown by the resurrected saviour of the world, and then go right ahead and just nail me up side down to that cross-shaped tree over there, please! I’ll be humvee’d! Them Christian neighbours of ours are not only awfully nice folks, they’re also… bloody kind and generous!! Flabbergasting, isn’t it?