October 22, 2006


Propel thy self towards destiny! Reap the rewards of perseverance! Stand tall among the native shorts. Run swiftly through the glades of green, green grass and breathe deep the sense of purity that wafts through the space and time you currently habit. Know that destiny wends it way towards your open heart. Understand that through these doldrums your ship without billowy sail will pass and catch the unseen wind beyond that which is knowable or doable except that it be done in the future tense.

Of what do I speak? Of things left undone during the lows and those things passing due to having no way to accommodate them on a meager budget of both Cash and Time. No way to accommodate, for example the buying of a present for a two year old because the cost of staying here without accommodation paid for is EXHORBITANT! No way to accommodate the pending electricity bill.

No way to accommodate even our own selfish reasoning about the staying or leaving this place – whether it be right for us or not to move out from here and travel the 35 minutes required into the vast desert into Dibba village for scant less than ¼ of the price. Why not? It is not permenant? We could have easily made do at least until the concrete on a new job was set, no?

These are questions moot. The way we live becomes the way we pay for the way we live and it renders us in waiting breadwinners useless as yet un-split amoebae. Couch dwellers anonymous. TV channel clickers bisplintovous. And Islamic purple haze of Ramadan and Eid choke the living daylights out of survivalist me while I wait….

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