December 03, 2006

direction and control

What if the vehicle could be given ultimate maneuvering capability in 3 dimensions equally? What if the vehicle took on the burden that now was carried by the infrastructure – that of providing automatic, constant direction and control to vehicular movement, again, in 3 dimensions equally? What if the vehicle was given ultimate navigational capability, ultimate safety and proximity assurance capability? What if propulsion issues were no longer a limiting factor? What if these capabilities could be provided at a reasonable price for the global consumer? These really were the questions that Raww Baww Tii Kii existed to address and bring forthright, affordable and reasonable answers to.

“The infrastructure is the vehicle and the airspace around the vehicle, and in that sense, the infrastructure is limitless.” Mike recalled the presentation he had been called to make on many occasions. His favorites were the occasions in which executives from the automotive sector, world wide, would attend and listen with wide eyed interest and edge of their seat anticipation to his spiel. He liked presenting his company's advancements to these kinds of people because they understood the level of chaos that had to somehow be organized into something of value, the levels of engineering involved, the significance and impact that the work of the people at Raww Baww Tii Kii would have in a global innovation sense. They understood what it really meant if you were to actually place the burden of the infrastructure on the vehicle, through maximizing the capability.

Back in the year 2007, Mike had read a white paper published by the AMERICAN HELICOPTER SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL and HELICOPTER ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL titled: “
DEVELOPING A SAFE AND EFFICIENT VERTICAL FLIGHT INFRASTRUCTURE”. It was this white paper that catalyzed Mike’s compulsion to take on the same kind of revolution in transportation as the AHS had taken on for their vehicles that, for their time, indeed had ultimate capability – though still at such a high cost and complexity when it came to “the average Ahmed”.

The goal of the AHS in publishing the white paper was to spur, by all parties affected, the development of an air and ground infrastructure for rotorcraft operations based upon the concept of simultaneous non-interfering operations, which included heliport to heliport all weather operations, by an Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) integrated product team, which included operators and manufacturers, the FAA, NASA and the Department of Defense.

The AHS’s frustration was with the old fashioned, limited infrastructure within which their ultimately capable vehicles had to operate. And this was now the problem that existed for Mike Strathomre in 2027 sitting here in traffic in his classic Infiniti “M”. You see Mikes company had developed a vehicle with capabilities far advanced compared to conventional automobiles that relied on a physical infrastructure in the same manner that the conventional helicopter had broken free from the need to rely on runways and the traditional airport infrastructures at a typical 2007 airport. The advancement in capability led to a frustration in actual use of existing physical infrastructures.

The reason d’etre of Raww Baww Tii Kii in 2027 was to rid the world of a need to rely on a physical transport infrastructure by extreme advancement in vehicular capability – incorporating the infrastructure burden in the vehicle itself.

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